Mike Donehey has seen his fair share of the unexpected. Following a potentially fatal car crash
as a teen, Mike learned to play the guitar while still in bed recovering from his injuries. Learning
the guitar quickly gave birth to songwriting, and that songwriting soon led to the formation of a
That band, Tenth Avenue North, became one of the most loved and successful artists in
Christian music. Beginning with their acclaimed national debut, Over and Underneath, Tenth
Avenue North’s audience multiplied with each new album and hit song, like radio favorites Love
Is Here, By Your Side, You Are More, Losing, Worn, I Have This Hope, and multi-week no. 1
record Control (Somehow You Want Me).
At the beginning of 2020, despite widespread notoriety and a devout following, Tenth Avenue
North’s members began to sense they each had their own unexpected and unique roads to
follow. Mike seized this opportunity, reveling in the excitement to expand as a storyteller,
communicator, and thought instigator wherever his voice could be heard.
Mike’s acclaimed book, Finding God’s Life for My Will, was an immediate best-seller. Mike’s
newest book, Grace In The Gray, reveals a four-stage process to help people in relationships,
professional settings, and social situations discover how to focus on the person before them
more than the argument set against them.
Mike’s podcast, Chasing the Beauty, looks for the joy of God in the places one might not think it
would be on the AccessMore network.
Perhaps most exciting has been Mike’s writing and producing new music. His acclaimed solo
album Flourish is just the beginning of the flow of new music coming our way.
The unexpected has a way of disrupting our lives in ways we might not have ever chosen. For
Mike, learning to embrace the unexpected has been the very thing that continues to bring
encouraging and soul-healing art. Looking forward, Mike is trusting to be led in any way that
will allow him to continue to serve and inspire.